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London's Leading Financial Investigation Experts

Especially at the highest levels, falsified reports or 'creative' accounting can compromise contracts and agreements. To ensure this doesn't happen to you, we tailor in-depth financial investigations to help clarify any situation throughout London, the UK and worldwide. 

At any level of business, it is incredibly important to know exactly who you are dealing with during any investments, mergers, acquisitions or other binding contracts. That is exactly why we provide incredibly detailed commercial and financial investigation solutions to clients across London. 

The very best financial due diligence solutions

It sounds obvious to say, but every deal has a potential losing side. The best way to ensure that it will not be you is through financial due diligence.

Utilising a comprehensive network of information resources across the globe, we use a range of background vetting and asset tracing services and skills to deliver extensive and high quality financial investigation solutions.

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Financial Investigations London

Manage and quantify any kind of financial risk with supreme ease and confidence; thanks to our comprehensive financial investigation service! Why not join the multitude of other London clients that trust in our financial investigators to paint an extensive picture of any finances and consult on the best strategies to best respond to them?

The complete financial investigation service

Our packaged approach to financial investigation incorporates;

  • Asset and liability tracing
  • Litigation and legal history
  • Background vetting and data
  • Corporate intelligence gathering
  • Due diligence support
  • Surveillance services
  • Fraud and blackmail protection

We always aim to exceed expectations, delivering market leading intelligence, highly bespoke application of financial investigation services and the detailed answers you need to know to compete and thrive at any level of corporate markets or commercial business.

We work across the whole of the UK, so no matter where you are based, we will be able to assist you with your financial investigation requirements.

We have recently undertaken financial investigation projects for clients across the UK, including London.
