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Botched Builder Search


Ms J asked us to obtain information on a builder who had started work on her property and then left halfway through the job, leaving her without a functional bathroom. She had also paid for the work in advance, and wished to pursue a claim against the builder, but only had a mobile number for him. 

We carried out extensive research using a variety of methods and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) sources. 

We ascertained that the builder already had several CCJs (Country Court Judgements) registered against him, but the address provided in these was no longer occupied by the subject. In order to serve papers to pursue a claim, a residential address is required so that the papers can be handed over personally to the subject. 

As the builder was not born in the UK, we had to consult records from abroad. Using these records, we were able to find the names of his wife and son. This enabled us to then use their names to cross reference civil registration records, various business databases and other intelligence in this country. 

Using his wife's name, we located a current address. We then carried out additional research which proved that the builder was also living at this address, even though it was only his wife who was legally registered at the property. Papers were duly served. 
